9 is the Number of Completions and Endings. The Birth Number 9 has already mastered the lessons of Birth Numbers One Through Eight. A 9 enters this world with a life path
of endings, completions and many life lessons; and has a deep-seated need to get it all done. The 9 wants to learn it all, do it all, be it all, and get it all accomplished.  9s tend to look at things, people, and situations in terms of what is valuable and what is valueless – they are constantly assessing situations and discarding what no longer serves them so that they are able to move on to the next life lesson.
On the shadow side, a 9 can become too contemplative, and wind up ‘with their head in the clouds,’ missing the ‘here and now.’  In Astrology, the last sign of the Zodiac is Pisces and a 9 could be considered to be most like this sign.  A Pisces contains a little bit of all the signs and possesses a deep understanding and sensitivity. The Birth Number 9 can also be said to be a similar to the Aquarius energy. Aquarians strive for idealism and remaining true to the Soul within.
Give Lex a call (214.616.5950) or use the handy CONTACT FORM to set up your individualized, confidential session to learn more about your Birth Number, your Name Number and the energies associated with each number.